The Image of A Moralist-Diplomatic Leader in the News Construction of Sheikh Nawaf's Death as Emir of Kuwait in Indonesian Media

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Kuwait University

2 Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta – Indonesia



This study analyzes the leadership image of Sheikh Nawaf during his life when he served as Emir of Kuwait; who has a strong influence on the internal and leadership landscape of the Kuwaiti state in the eyes of the world by examining the framing of the news of the death of Sheikh Nawaf from two Indonesian media that are ideologically opposed to each other, and By using Pan and Kosicki's framing analysis with an approach to mass media construction, this study reveals that and carry out different perspectives: focuses on the moral and policy aspects of Sheikh Nawaf, highlighting political decisions such as the amnesty decision for dissidents, while emphasizes his diplomatic image and international relations recognized by world leaders. These findings present how the media portrays state leaders with moral-diplomatic traits and their impact on public perception. This study also contributes to understanding the relationship between diplomacy, moral leadership, and media steps in constructing news, offering further research insights.


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