Studying the reality of Egypt and Saudi Arabia media departments students adopting the podcast application and its role in raising their society issues awareness

Document Type : Original Articles


مدرس بقسم الإذاعة والتليفزيون بكلية الإعلام جامعة القاهرة وأستاذ مساعد بقسم العلوم الإجتماعية بكلية الفنون والعلوم الإنسانية جامعة جازان


This study aimed to examine the reality of Egyptian and Saudi Arabian media department students adopting podcast applications and their role in raising the students' awareness of societal issues through a simple random sample of media department students in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. This study is descriptive and relies on the survey method, and the study tools were questionnaires and codified interviews. The questionnaires were administered to a sample of (305) students of media department students in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. In addition to the codified interview tool with (13) media academics, experts in Egypt and Saudi Arabia and media practitioners work in the podcasting field to identify this application reality and its future features for media students and its role in raising their awareness of various issues in their communities. The study has found that the most significant reasons why media department students in Egypt and Saudi Arabia follow podcast applications are for entertainment and amusement at the rate of 69.5%،, then to obtain information and raise awareness of society issues at the rate of 55.3%. third place to "for easy listening to it at any time" at the rate of 43.4%، Then comes acquiring the skills of public speaking, learning, and developing recitation methods at a rate of 29.5%. Media department students think that the most important topics that they are keen to follow are first place in podcasts at a rate of 67.5% psychological topics and second rank social issues came at rate of 49.4,


Main Subjects